IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Gary Cole Clay Peakes
Erik Smith Cotton Welles
Zoe Perry Maxine
Lusia Strus Maggie Mae Welles-Cooper
Ali Stroker Jeanie
Dani Fish Emily Peaks
Tim Monsion Davis
Rondi Reed Nadine
Ray Quiroga Carl Johnson
Tom Tangen The Preacher
Liz Owen Melinda Johnson
Molly Owen Evelyn Johnson
Sam Owen Billy Johnson
Andre Agazaryan Tommy
John McCarthy Sam
Frank Mora Hank
Frank Mora Jr. Hank Jr.
Allyson Rice Maybelle
Ninon de Vere de Rosa Grandmother
Lyla Wood Great-Grandmother
John Schayer Chef Carl
Sam Harrison Boy in Church
Barry Beckerman Restaurant Customer
Peter Falk Restaurant Customer
Jenny Brooks-Stratton Bridesmaid
Gracie Garcia Bridesmaid
Madison McClintock Diner Patron
Jasmine Paredes Police Officer
Daniel Corona Police Officer
Shawn Smithson Police Officer
Christian Ascencio Police Officer / Wedding Guest
Nicholas de Graffenreid Paramedic
Jimenez Fernando Paramedic
Alexandra Menna Beth Peaks
Rita Satuloff Baby Emily
Samantha Gurnick Mom at Bus Station
Albert Serrato Dad at Bus Station
Graciano Lopez Kid at Bus Station
Calista Carradine Traveler at Bus Station
Andrea Lewis Bar Patron
Jinx Titanic The Twelve Apostle Band's Good-Book Willie
Mitchell Marlow The Twelve Apostle Band's Lead Guitarist
Jeff Kust The Twelve Apostle Band's Rhythm Guitarist
Will Lovell III The Twelve Apostle Band's Bassist
Ted Atkatz The Twelve Apostle Band's Drummer
Morgan Fitch The Twelve Apostle Band's Trombone Player #1
Diana Parmeter The Twelve Apostle Band's Trombone Player #2
Samantha Englerth The Twelve Apostle Band's Soprano Vocalist
Catherine Smitko The Twelve Apostle Band's Alto Vocalist
Michael Butler Murray The Twelve Apostle Band's Baritone Vocalist
Alma Alcocer Congregation Member
Norberto Armenta Congregation Member