IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Solomon Perel Self
Marco Hofschneider Salomon 'Sally' Perel
René Hofschneider Isaak Perel / Salomon's Brother
Piotr Kozłowski David Perel / Salomon's Brother
Klaus Abramowsky Salomon's Father
Michèle Gleizer Salomon's Mother
Ashley Wanninger Eric
Marta Sandrowicz Bertha / Salomon's Sister
Nathalie Schmidt Basia
Delphine Forest Inna
Andrzej Mastalerz Zenek
Włodzimierz Press Stalin's Son
Martin Maria Blau Ulmayer
Klaus Kowatsch Schulz
Holger Kunkel Kramer
Bernhard Howe Feldwebel
André Wilms Robert
Hanns Zischler Captain von Lerenau
Anna Seniuk Rosemarie / Nazi Activist
Jörg Schnass Bannführer
Norbert Schwarz Schwabe
Erich Schwarz Gœthke
Ashley Wanninger Gerd
Julie Delpy Leni
Halina Łabonarska Leni's Mother
Wolfgang Bathke Police Officer
Aleksiej Awdiejew Sowjetischer Major
Artur Barciś Soviet Soldier Detained by the Germans
Aleksander Bednarz German Man in the tram in Lódz Ghetto
Zbigniew Bielski Wychowawca
Marcin Bielawski
Marek Brand
Arkadiusz Brukner
Dariusz Buchowiecki
Bohdan Ejmont Soviet Soldier Detained by the Germans
Alfred Freudenheim
Jarosław Gajewski Wychowawca
Jarosław Gruda Soviet Soldier in the Komsomol School
Kama Kowalewska Kati
Marcin Latałło
Nicolas Lormeau
Aleksey Maslov
Cezary Morawski
Włodzimierz Musiał German Gendarme
Ryszard Pietruski Adolf Hitler
Hanna Sylberg
Bogusława Schubert
Grzegorz Wons
Stanisław Zatłoka
Jan Paweł Kruk Tram Conductor in the Lódz Ghetto
Agnieszka Kumor Girl
Wojciech Skibiński Arrested Man
Tadeusz Wojtych Dentist