El mundo que inventamos
Feb 22, 1973
Feb 22, 1973
- Average Age of Cast at Release:
- Cast Members Alive:
- Gender Split (F:M):
- Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic | Name | Character | Birthday | Deathday | Age at Release |
Sabú | himself | ||||
Juan Carlos Altavista | |||||
Enrique Belluscio | |||||
Laura Bove | |||||
Amalia Britos | |||||
Hugo Caprera | |||||
Cristina del Valle | |||||
Ovidio Fuentes | |||||
Claudio Levrino | |||||
Felipe Méndez | |||||
Susana Ortiz | |||||
Rolo Pereyra | |||||
Javier Portales | |||||
Fernando Siro |