Mi marido hoy duerme en casa
Oct 13, 1955
Oct 13, 1955
- Average Age of Cast at Release:
- Cast Members Alive:
- Gender Split (F:M):
- Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic | Name | Character | Birthday | Deathday | Age at Release |
Leonor Rinaldi | |||||
Francisco Álvarez | |||||
May Avril | |||||
Gogó Andreu | |||||
Tono Andreu | |||||
Olga Gatti | |||||
Adrianita | |||||
Carmen Campoy | |||||
Héctor Armendáriz | |||||
Gerardo Chiarella | |||||
Emilio Vieyra | |||||
Diana Stevani | |||||
Carlos Gustavo Jackson | |||||
Alfredo Aristu | |||||
Rosita Vanders | |||||
Pablo Indovino |