IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Richard Burton Father Goddard
Dominic Guard Benjamin 'Benjie' Stanfield
David Bradley Arthur Dyson
Billy Connolly Blakey
Andrew Keir Headmaster
Willoughby Gray Brigadier Walsh
Preston Lockwood Father Hibbert
James Ottaway Father Matthews
Brook Williams Father Clarence
Robin Soans Father Henryson
Trevor Martin Mr. Gladstone
Sharon Duce Louella
Brian Glover the first policeman
Dan Meaden the second policeman
Hilary Mason Miss Froggatt
Hilda Fenemore Mrs. Hoskins
Robert Addie Cawley
Philip Leake Gregory
Jon Plowman Father Piers
Michael Crompton O'Dowd
Andrew Boxer a boy
Richard Willis a boy
Michael Parkhouse a boy
Richard Kates a boy
Martyn Hesford a boy
Clive Gehle a boy
Charles Rigby a boy
Michael Bell a boy
Martin Stringer a boy
Francis Fry a boy
Julian Firth a boy
Tim Short a boy
Michael Munn a priest
Kevin Hart Peterson