IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Todd Eckert
Todd Babcock Sean
Rosemary Alexander Mother
Mitch Berlow Bobby
Stephanie Brown Mindi
Gus Buktenica Doc Hosea
Cooper Cowgill Child at party
David Cowgill bar drunk
cody elles Brad
Jackie Gonneau Party Mother
Terri Kutchko Leslie
Kevin Marquette Wiffy / Rick
Joseph Menza Bar Patron
Judy Nazemetz Bar Hag
Michael Haywood Norris Taffey
David Pierre Tommy
Wendy Pitts Bobbie
Mathew Scollon Huey
Brian Tahash Driver
Doug Traer The Cripple
Cameron Vodegel Tim