IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Ted Petty "Flyboy" Rocco Rock
Mike Durham Johnny Grunge
Jerome Young New Jack
Jamal Mustafa Mustafa Saed
Jim Fullington Sandman
Mick Foley Cactus Jack
Scott Levy Raven
Michael Manna Stevie Richards
Tom Laughlin Tommy Dreamer
Trudy Vachon Luna Vachon
Peter Senerchia Taz
Charles Scaggs 2 Cold Scorpio
Brian Knighton Axl Rotten
John Williams Ian Rotten
Don Haviland Hack Meyers
Val Puccio Big Malley
Chad Slivenski Chad Austin
Anthony Matteo The Broad Street Bully
Don Adelberg "Devious" Donn E. Allen
Dino Sandorff Dino Sendoff
Gary Wolfe Pitbull #1
Anthony Durante Pitbull #2
Mike Deek Snot Dudley
Jeffrey Bradley Dudley Dudley
Paul Heyman Paul E. Dangerously (Manager)
Nancy Toffoloni Woman (Manager)
Trisa Laughlin Beulah McGillicutty (Valet)
Alex Rizzo "Big" Dick Dudley (Ringside)
Francine Fournier Francine (Appearance)
Al Poling 911 (Appearance)
Troy Martin "The Franchise" Shane Douglas (Appearance)
William Sierra Bill Alfonso (Troubleshooting Referee)
Tod Gordon Tod Gordon (ECW Commissioner)