IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Savanah Wiltfong Vanessa Lemor
Shayne Topp Philip Georgey
Beth Grant Principal Applebomb
Melissa Leo Mrs. Howard
Meaghan Jette Martin Megan Kennedy
Elaine Hendrix Coach Roach
Vanessa Marano Samantha Combs
Eleanor Hutchins Terri Lemor
Kari Nissena Norma
Brian Bloch Nate Jackson
Brian Goddard Sean Walsh
Chase Wright Vanek Jon Mongory
Michelle Pizzo Jen
Zane Huett Hercules Howard
Maia Lee Nothing Amigone
Rick Turner Mr. Howard
Sheldon Jacobs Mr. Walters
Jack Gravalis Marshall
Jada Morrison Emmaline Chin
Taylor Finlon Lynne Chin
Bob McCracken Mr. Amigone
Elaine Mani Lee Mrs. Amigone
Emma Dumont Kellie
Emily Oleyer WEIO Rep
George Bass SeƱor Montague
Jesse Michael Salas Announcer John Sivaluaq