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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Danièle Gaubert Arlette
Jacques Riberolles Marc
Nadia Gray Monique
Jacques Fabbri The father
Yvonne Hébert The mother
Robert Berri The inspector
Robert Dalban Commissioner
Micheline Dax The girl in the prison
Georges Descrières The chief of staff
Robert Porte Commissioner Bosquet
Michel de Ré Gilbert
Roger Tréville The banker
Henri Vilbert
Yvonne Claudie The landlady
Jean-Pierre Zola
Robert Lombard
Christian Brocard
Anne-Marie Coffinet
Robert Le Béal
Jean Brunel
René Lefèvre-Bel A guest
André Certes
Alain Morat Alain, the young brother
Claudie Breton
Dominique Clément
Claudio Gora Agostino
Yolande Magny The contributions clerk
Rita Rubirosa Gilbert's wife
Marie-Thérèse Orain