IMDb Page
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Flavio Bucci Hunchback
Ida Di Benedetto Mora
Alexandra Delli Colli Fedora
Pietro Francescato Grandpa
Janet Ă…gren (uncredited)
Richard Benson Gang chief
Roberto Berion
Antonio Scapinello
Caterina Lentini
Maria Gaetani
Daniela Appolloni
Olindo Lazzaro Alpine
Danilo Pettenello Alfonso
Paolo Favero Aloisio
Lello Matera Carlos
Oscar Carcano Driver
Andrea Duse Sadokbar's boy
Fiorenzo Ugolini Sadokbar's boy
Renato Molinari Sadokbar's boy
Stefano Madalosso Sadokbar's boy
Roberto Zago Sadokbar's boy
Gianfranco Agostini Sadokbar's boy
Luigi Flammia Sadokbar's boy
Gabriele Zuccolo Sadokbar's boy
Paolo Marcolongo Sadokbar's boy
Roberto Riosa Sadokbar's boy
Giuliano Marchi Sadokbar's boy
Antonio Ranalli Thug
Maria Bortignon Thug
Tommaso Catalano Thug
Flavio Costa Thug
Massimo Forin Thug
Valerio Mazzucato Thug
Dario Beggiato Thug
Aldo Dell'Aquila Thug
Walter Schiavon Thug
Alessandro Martin Thug
Renzo Griggio Mora's friend
Andrea Sguatto Mora's friend
Gianni Fasolo Mora's friend
Florindo Pagnin Mora's friend
Vittorio Tono Confessor
Renato Sartorati Butler
Carlo Roncato Bloodletting farmer
Fabio Marchetti Sadokbar's owner
Lorenzo Rizzato Nane Bertogno
Giuseppe Crescente Passerby
Gianni Ferraretto Passerby
Andrea Vidali Bodybuilder
Alessandro Bertipaglia Bodybuilder
Lorenzo Trabuio Runner
Paolo Cardin Runner
Paolo Scrivanti Black man
Roberto Berro Thief
Lorenzo Forin Prelate in Cadillac
Mario Vania Hemoptysis Man
Gino Andreazzo Hunchbacked
Mario Pasquetto Hunchbacked
Giuseppe Rizzo Hunchbacked
Amedeo Soncin Fellow soldier
Vittorio Parpajola Fellow soldier
Egidio Parpajola Fellow soldier
Galliano Favaro Fellow soldier
Walter Stefani Fellow soldier
Rino Forin Fellow soldier
Omero Schiavon Boy killed
Valerio Morellato Boy killed
Lucio Lazzaro Boy killed
Pierantonio Griggio Boy killed
Marco Coltro Boy killed
Peter Griggio Boy killed
Diego Bofetto Boy killed
Dario Baessato Boy killed
Andrea Gagliardi Boy killed
Ludovico Borgato Boy killed
Emma Silvestrin Nurse killed
Patrizia Ferro Nurse killed
Magda Salce Mora's friend
Caterina Giaccon Mora's friend
Elvira Ciotti Paesant
Elvira Scotti-Galletta Bride at Sadokbar
Maria Peretto Ginetta
Luigina Zorzi Woman at the Pub
Lucia Alessi Bodybuilder's Mother
Francesca Rizzato Flower seller
Manuela Berro Snatcher
Cristiana Faggin Snatcher
Giuliana Marcato Widow at the funeral
Catia Ondedei Widow at the funeral
Silvia Garon Widow at the funeral
Antonella Dal Ponte Widow at the funeral
Giovanna Toffarelli Widow at the funeral
Nadia Barin Widow at the funeral
Cristiana Berti Widow at the funeral
Marzia Berti Widow at the funeral
Vanda Rossini Supermarket customer
Bruna Rossini Supermarket customer
Luciana Vettorello Supermarket customer
Donatella De Zanetti Supermarket customer
Roberta Arrigoni Supermarket customer
Carmela Callegaro Supermarket customer
Gisella Pagnin Supermarket customer
Lia-Gloria Agnoletto Supermarket customer
Lia-Gloria Agnoletto Supermarket customer
Marisa Pasquetto Supermarket customer
Elisabetta Torresin Supermarket customer