IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Richie Acevedo Randy
Anthony White Hercules
Julio Bana Fernandez Owen
Jason John Beebe Tex
Aaron Brazier Victim
Daniel Brooks Demon
David Curtis Wrestling School Doorman
Eric Danger Dionne Ricky
René Goguen Shawn
James L. Edwards Reverend Nathan Ashberry
Nathan Feeney Bartender
Cayt Feinics Amanda
Emanuel Fernandez Tito
Jimmy Flame Jackie
Jim Fullington Kendo
Joseph Gardner Captain Joe
Jesse L. Green Brutus
Luba Hansen Torrie
Rick Jermain Mr. Hogan
Brandy Mason Colleen
Dee Moody Referee
Rosanna Nelson Becky
Alex Neumeier Bret
Chris O'Brocki Slade
Nadia White Liz
Mick O'Keefe Wrestling School Student
Josip Peruzović Randy's Father
Shawn C. Phillips Soap Opera Couple
Yasmin Qudah Bar Patron
Preston Quinn Wrestling School Teacher
Darren Ricci Victim
Darrell Sentz Wrestling School Student
George Stover TV Host
Nick Superchi Victim
Trey Tackett Wrestling School Student
Angel Miguel Torres Victim
James Fanning Boogie
Gary Lee Vincent Vince
Andy Vineberg Sid
Ryan Vox Steve
Nicholas Yoder II Mr. Valentine
Derek Young Wrestling School Student
Johnny Youngblood Jake
Jessica Kresa Food Truck Worker
Nathan Hine Andre