IMDb Page
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Jamie Oram Ploey (voice)
Ian Stuart Robinson Giron (voice)
Harriet Perring Ploeveria (voice)
Richard Cotton Shadow (voice)
Sean Astin Fox (voice)
John Stamos Giron (voice)
Debbie Chazen Cormorant/Swan (voice)
Georgina Sutcliffe Raven (voice)
Colin Mace Deer/Raven (voice)
Doña Croll Sheep (voice)
Kaizer Akhtar Boy (voice)
Kasper Michaels Skua/Sterna (voice)
Graham Dickson Mousy/Father (voice)
Þórunn Erna Clausen Mom/Bunting Bird (voice)
Ólafur S.K. Þorvaldz Bunting Bird (voice)
Cameron Farrelly Sloey (voice)
Keith Kleinfeldt Colonel Wing/DJ Redshank (voice)
Charles Swift Cormorant (voice)
Jasmine Morris Girl (voice)
Matthías Davíô Matthíasson Lói
Thomas Arnold Dad/Fox (voice)
Anna Lawrence Ploveria's Mum/Mink