IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Michel Côté Paul Lacasse
Patrick Huard Thomas Roy
Catherine Florent Jeanne Marcoux
Albert Millaire Father Lemay
Jean L'Italien Charles Monette
Jacques Lavallée Patrick Michaud
Jean-Pierre Bergeron Father Boudreault
Nicolas Canuel Father Pivot
Normand D'Amour Louis Archambault
Geneviève Laroche Julie Picard
Frédérique Collin Madame Hénault
Annette Garant Nicole
Christine Foley Claudette Roy
Alexis Bélec Young Father Lemay
Paul Doucet Inspector Goulet
Guy Boutet Steve
Patrice Bélanger Young Thomas Roy
Patrick Senécal Karl Bolduc
Lise Roy Reporter
Anne-Marie Labelle Gervaise
Frédéric Gilles Marc Marcoux
Richard Fréchette Fernand Lucas
Martin Dubreuil Édouard Villeneuve
Stéphane Blanchette Simon
Norman Roy Police Officer
Sylvain G. Bissonnette Police Officer
Nathalie Madore Police Officer
Érick Barbier Police Officer
Maurice Demers Police Officer
Daniel Bisson Police Officer
Fernand Duchesne Police Officer
Lise Chenier Police Officer
Richard Champagne Police Officer
Nathalie Cavezzali Nurse
Yahsmin Daviault Nurse
Eric Cabana Tactical Squad
Ghislain Hébert Tactical Squad
Mario Lalande Tactical Squad
Christian Nantel Tactical Squad
Denis Gosselin Tactical Squad
André Héroux Hospital Attendant
François Normand Bessette Hospital Attendant
Clément Sasseville Patient
Stéphane Perron Disciple
Ronald Gagnon Mechanic
Sylvie Bisson Waitress
Paul Boyer Institute Guardian
Sylvie Alex Lortie Disemboweled Woman
Hervé Desbois Paramedic
Lyne Ste-Marie Mother
Justin Savard Ten-Months-Old Antoine
Nathan Savard Ten-Months-Old Antoine
Soleil Guérin Audrey Pivot
Normand Galarneau Truck Driver
Marcel Bédard Injured Man
Jean Frenette Driver
Joshua Girard Jeanne's Newborn
Manon Richard Parish Lady
Samuelle Richard-Archambeault Little Parish Girl
Xavier Deschênes Amos Newborn at Church
Sylvain Buffoni Double Father Lemay
Pierre-André Côté Dream Man