IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Jack Lloyd Chief Inspector Lloyd of the C.I.D.
Wallace Geoffrey Giles Wade - the Panther
Muriel Angelus Sybil Craig
Lewis Dayton Randall Hale - of Deep Dene Manor
Janice Adair Diana Brooks - Hale's Niece
Tracy Holmes Chester Dunn - Hale's Nephew
Emily Fitzroy The Manor Ghost
Humberston Wright Lodgekeeper
Gibb McLaughlin Abdul - and Egyptian
Earle Stanley Salam - an Egyptian
Cecil Musk Fouji - an Egyptian
John Turnbull Barclay - Scotland Yard Superindendant
Clifford Buckton Police Sergeant Sherwood
Shayle Gardner Scotland Yard Inspector Walters
Vi Kaley Charwoman