IMDb Page
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Jürgen Lill Brother Rasmus
Nadja Holz Svende
Monika Brandl Jorunn
Thomas Pill Jesper
Stefan Mühlbauer Lieutenant Blomqvist
Mila Moore Aaltje
Günther Brandl Brother Kjell
Matthias Sigl Bengt
Katharina Buchberger Sister Liska
Helmut Brandl Anders
Mia Feller Lilith
NicoDestruction Marie
Florian Parzer Mikael
Peter Eherer Enner
Sascha Goldbach Barbro
Alois Brandl Holger
Arnold Gängler Christer
Kathrin Meyer Merit
Robert Edenhofner Brother Jaro
Jasonn Nightcreep Göran
Uwe Krallert Stranger
Peter Dubiel Villager
Sanela Demirovic Villager
Bernd Schmatz Villager
Julia Pink Villager
Kate Morison Villager
Carla Scutti Villager
Monique Villager
Romy Brandl