IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Daniela Vega Marina Vidal
Francisco Reyes Orlando
Luis Gnecco Gabo
Aline Küppenheim Sonia
Nicolás Saavedra Bruno
Amparo Noguera Adriana
Néstor Cantillana Gaston
Alejandro Goic Doctor
Antonia Zegers Alessandra
Marcial Tagle Orlando's older relative
Cristián Chaparro Masseur
Diana Cassis Receptionist
Eduardo Paxeco Paramedic
Roberto Farías SML Medic
Pablo Cerda Executive
José Antonio Raffo Guardia
Erto Pantoja Sergeant
Trinidad González Wanda
Sergio Hernández Singing teacher
Paola Lattus Nurse
Loreto Leonvendagar Waitress
Fabiola Zamora Cashier
Bárbara Mundt Woman in the chapel
Pablo Greene Orlando's younger relative
Moisés Angulo Man at the discotheque
Hugo Moraga Restaurant customer
Verónica García-Huidobro Sauna Recepcionist
Senén Selim Man in the Taxi
Paulina Hunt Chapel Clerk
Francisco González Hermosilla CInerary Operator