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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Gérard Gervais Antoine Letourneur, the little telegraph operator
Eva Simonet Amélie
Olivier Hussenot The police commissioner
Christian Fourcade A little boy
Henri Crémieux School's director
Jacques Tarride Mr. Grandjean
Germaine Michel The flowergirl
Henri Marchand Joseph, the school janitor
Flore Falvey Harmonica Player, Theme Music
Lucien Arnaud
Léon Bary
Denise Berley
Jean Berton Edouard
Léon Berton The priest
Paul Bisciglia Young postman
Jacqueline Carlier Arthur's mother
Claudy Chapeland Arthur
René-Jean Chauffard The post office clerk
Jean Clarieux The fire captain
André Darnay Lespinois, postmaster
Gérard Darrieu Young flirty
Guy Derlan
Pierre Ferval
Émile Genevois The concierge
Madeleine Gérôme Mrs. Grandjean
René Hell The postman
Suzie Jaspard
Nina Lazareff
Marcel Loche The butcher
Yette Lucas The woman with the flower hat
Mag-Avril A gossip
Franck Maurice
Henri Maïk
Marthe Mercadier A passerby
Albert Michel The cafe owner
Frédérique Nadar
Bernard Plumet A little boy
Jacques Provins A police officer
Yves Robert Sergeant Gaston Chauvin
Raymond Soukoff Drouin, the trucker