IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Kyle Billeter Amie
Dewey Collins Peter
Apryl Crowell Laurie
Riva Gijanto Zombie
Susee Garcia Zombie
Catherine Goodson Cindy
Leah Gosnell Edie
Crystal Howell Heather
Tony Jones Professor Grant Foster
Jerry Eugene Long The Sheriff
Alyssa Wheaton Vulnavia
David Witt Dr. Claude Von Wolff
Jonathan Moody Gabe
Jeannie "Zoey" Shear Danni
Andrew Yung Jed
Dave Davidson Tricephus
Ken Peebles Zombie
Terry Brown Zombie
Tammy Rubicat Zombie
Emily Tynan McDaniel Zombie
Avery McDaniel Zombie
Clinton E. Crowell Zombie
Kenny Andrews Zombie
Echo Soleil Zombie
Debbie Vincent Zombie
Lois Pearly Zombie
Michelle Nalumu Zombie
Diana Mirembe Zombie
Stephanie Callahan Zombie
Michelle Averesech Zombie
Zenna Averesech Zombie
Brenda L. Moore Zombie
Glenda McEachern Zombie
Loretta Towns Zombie
Cortney Taborne Zombie
Brittney Scalf Zombie
Kevin Akinsipe Zombie