IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Basil Rathbone Sir Joel Cadman
Herbert Rudley Dr. Gordon Ramsay
Patricia Blair Laurie Munroe
Akim Tamiroff Odo the Gypsy
Phyllis Stanley Daphne
Lon Chaney Jr. Dr. Munroe, aka Mungo
Bela Lugosi Casimir
John Carradine Bohemund
George Sawaya Sailor-Subject
Tor Johnson Mr. Curry
Sally Yarnell Female Subject
Peter Gordon Sgt. Steele
Claire Carleton Carmona Daly
Clive Morgan Roundsman Blevins (uncredited)
Louanna Gardner Angelina Cadman
Aubrey Schenck Prison Coroner's Clerk (uncredited)
John Sheffield Det. Redford (uncredited)