IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Liam Neeson Bryan Mills
Forest Whitaker Inspector Frank Dotzler
Maggie Grace Kim Mills
Dougray Scott Stuart St. John
Famke Janssen Lenore St. John
Sam Spruell Oleg Malankov
Don Harvey Garcia
Dylan Bruno Smith
Leland Orser Sam Gilroy
David Warshofsky Bernie Harris
Jon Gries Mark Casey
Andrew Howard Maxim
Jonny Weston Jimy
Andrew Borba Clarence
Judi Beecher Claire
Cedric Cirotteau Maxim Partner #1
Catherine Dyer NSA Woman
Jimmy Palumbo Cop Brooks
Robert Pralgo Cop Crime Scene #1
Tony Williams Cop Crime Scene #2
Al Vicente Cop Crime Scene #3
Alexander Wraith Cop Utility Room
Shelley Calene-Black Cop Debriefing Room
Adam J. Smith Cop Technician Surveillance Van
Jimmy Gonzales Cop Lenore House #1
David Clark Cop Malankov Garage #1
Michael Shikany Clerk Convenience Store
Robert Bryan Davis Clerk Gas Station
Nazareth Dairian Clerk Toy Store
Tony DeMil Impound Technician
Stefanie Kleine Waitress Rancho Cafe
Johnny Harvill Customer Rancho Cafe
Angie Dillard Waitress Restaurant
Wallace Langham Mike
Franck Neel Stuart Bodyguard #2
Cédric Chevalme Malankov Guard Elevator Garage #1
Anton Yakovlev Malankov Guard Security Station #1
Ellen Ho USC Girl #1
Haley Craft USC Girl #2
Stephanie Honoré USC Girl #3
Steve Coulter USC Professor
Mike Davies Pilot Private Jet
Jonathan Waite Co-Pilot Private Jet
Lauren Sivan Reporter Crime Scene
Cornelius Peter Pastor Lenore Funeral
Kevin Fry-Bowers Bodyguard Many
Katie Mary Garland Bagel Clerk
Al Sapienza Johnson
Chad Donella Phillips
Pete Thias Malankov Guard Elevator Garage #2
Cedric Camus Malankov Guard Security Station #2
Karim Ben Haddou Malankov Guard Elevator Penthouse #1
Vincent Parisi Malankov Guard Elevator Penthouse #2
Scott Thrun Malankov Guard Elevator Penthouse #3
Laurent Desponds Malankov Building Security
Amanda Nima Waitress #2
Alex Disdier Steward Gulfstream
Martin Vaughan Lewis Controller Airport
Abbey Ferrell Kim's Friend (uncredited)
Ashante P.T. Stokes Detective (uncredited)