IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Morgana O'Reilly Carol Taylor
Serena Cotton S.C Karen Frobischer
Peter Elliott D.I Andrew Hunter
Paul Gittins Cliff Stout
Ryan Lampp Freddie Pritchard
Dan Musgrove D.C Morrissey
Scott Wills D.C Lewis
Erroll Shand Tony Michaels
Poppy Vivian-Buckley Rosie Taylor
Ilona Rodgers Joyce
Mark Warren Simon
Flynn Allan Paul
Mia Pistorius Cleary
Mark Clare Sheridan
Brenda Kendall Dotty
Narelle Ahrens Reporter