IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Raymond Burr Perry Mason
Barbara Hale Della Street
William Katt Paul Drake Jr.
Jean Simmons Laura Robertson
Robert Mandan Dr. Michaels
Robert Walden Robert Lane
Stephen Elliott Elliot Moore
Robert F. Lyons Pete Dickson
Gordon Jump Arthur
Jonathan Banks Luke Dickson
Stephanie Dunnam Jennifer Parker
Leslie Wing Det. Sgt. Austin
Gene Barry Glenn Robertson
David Ogden Stiers D.A. Michael Reston
Lucien Berrier
Julian Gamble Bailiff
Virginia Gregory Audrey Pratt (Laura's Assistant)
Victor Morris
Dee Dee Olinyk
Norvell Rose TV Reporter
Pam Ward Judge Eleanor Danials
G. Larry Butler Man who puts fire out on Laura Robertson's dress (uncredited)