IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Eric Ávila Himself
Dalila Ramos Herself
Elizabeth Ramírez Herself
Jesus Rodriguez Himself
Mauricio Ramírez Himself
Mirian López Herself
Marisol Martínez Herself
Lucrecia Sánchez Herself
Carolina Ramírez Herself
Moisés Zuñiga Himself
Abraham Tari Beltrani Tari
Naomy Romo Mujer Robot/Margarita
Omar Garcia Pelirojo/Bailarín
Pilar Gallegos Bailarina
Arnulfo Reyes Papá de Erik
Yessika Ugalde Sirena Robusta
Esaú Tolsa Superhéroe manga
Eladimir Luis López Niño en sueño de Miriam
Nadia Maril López Cortez Niña en sueño de Miriam
Deyanira Luis López Niña en sueño de Miriam