IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Martin Balsam Don Antonio Macaluso
Tomas Milian Thomas Accardo
Francisco Rabal Vincent Garofalo
Dagmar Lassander Laura Murchison
Nello Pazzafini Killer (in "Polizzi Generosa")
Perla Cristal Dorothy
Carlo Tamberlani Don Michele Villabate
Manuel Zarzo Dorsiello
John Anderson Don Vito Albanese
Franco Angrisano Torrillo
Fortunato Arena Uomo di Garofalo
Carlo Gaddi Carlo
Giovanni Pallavicino
Giovanni Carbone
Carla Mancini
Lorenzo Piani
Sacheen Littlefeather Maggie
Ray K. Goman Sgt. Dieterle
Les Waggoner
Debbie Letteau Mobster's girlfriend
Sergio Mioni Uomo di Garofalo
Bárbara Rey
Luis Rico
George Rigaud Priest
Omero Capanna Security man
Eduardo Fajardo Calogero Vezza
Lina Franchi Woman with headscarf working for Torrillo
Renzo Pevarello Killer in warehouse