Baril Ko ang Uusig
Dec 25, 1990
Dec 25, 1990
- Average Age of Cast at Release:
- Cast Members Alive:
- Gender Split (F:M):
- Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic | Name | Character | Birthday | Deathday | Age at Release |
Ronnie Ricketts | |||||
Eddie Garcia | |||||
Michael De Mesa | |||||
Beverly Vergel | |||||
Sheila Ysrael | |||||
Mylene Zapanta | |||||
Jimmy Fabregas | |||||
Raoul Aragonn | |||||
Zandro Zamora | |||||
Val Iglesias | |||||
Nikki Martel | |||||
Eric Cayetano | |||||
Vic Varrion | |||||
Kevin Delgado | |||||
Ernie Zarate |