IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Robert H. Harris Pete Dumond
Paul Brinegar Rivero
Gary Conway Tony Mantell (Teenage Frankenstein)
Gary Clarke Larry Drake (Teenage Werewolf)
Malcolm Atterbury Security Guard Richards
Dennis Cross Security Guard Monahan
Morris Ankrum Police Capt. Hancock
Walter Reed Detective Thompson
John Ashley Himself
Paul Maxwell Jeffrey Clayton
Eddie Marr John Nixon
Heather Ames Arlene Dow
Robert Shayne Gary Droz
Rod Dana Lab Technician
Jacqueline Ebeier Jane
Thomas Browne Henry Martin Brace - director of 'Werewolf Meets Frankenstein'
John Phillips Detective Jones
Paulene Myers Millie - the Pedestrian