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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Henry Oscar Harpagon - Father of Cleante and Elise
Marjorie Mars Elise - Harpagon's daughter, in love with Valere
Dorothy Hyson Marian - in love with Cleante
James Mason Valere - In love with Elise
Bryan Coleman Cleante - Harpagon's son, in love with Marian
Mark Daly Jacques - cook and coachman to Harpagon
Olive Walter Frosine - a matchmaking woman
Edgar K. Bruce Anselme
Oliver Johnson A Notary
Molly May Dame Claude - Harpagon's housekeeper
Mardale Owen La Merluche - servant to Harpagon
Christopher Rowan Robinson Brindavoine - servant to Harpagon
John Salew La Fleche - valet to Cleante
Rupert Siddons Simon - a moneylender