Bitter honey of love
Mar 4, 1985
Mar 4, 1985
- Average Age of Cast at Release:
- Cast Members Alive:
- Gender Split (F:M):
- Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic | Name | Character | Birthday | Deathday | Age at Release |
Nour El-Sherif | |||||
Saeed Saleh | |||||
Maaly Zayed | |||||
Esaad Younes | |||||
Sanaa Younes | |||||
ElMontaser Bellah | |||||
Abdulwahhab Khalil | |||||
Magda Hamada | |||||
Laila Gamal | |||||
Mahmoud ElZohairy | |||||
Shafiq Galal | |||||
Mohamed Abdel Magid |