IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Looking for Ornette 10/05/18 Themself 85
Ornette Coleman 07/09/18 Themself 85
Charles Lloyd - Arrows Into Infinity 08/05/14 Sax 84
Sonny Rollins: Beyond the Notes 01/01/12 Self 81
365 Day Project 12/31/07 77
An Introduction to Harmolodics 12/01/95 65
Ornette Coleman and Prime Time & Pat Metheny: Live in Montreal 07/06/88 Self 58
Ornette: Made in America 02/21/86 Self 55
Chappaqua 08/30/66 Peyote eater 36
Ornette Coleman: A Jazz Video Game None Self 85
Ornette Coleman Group - Berlin 1971 None Themself 85
Ornette Coleman & Prime Time - Live in Palalido 1980 None Themself 85
Ornette Coleman Quartet, Barcelona 1987 None Themself 85