IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Cool Runnings 10/01/93 Whitby Bevil, Sr. 62
The Mighty Quinn 02/17/89 Security Guard 58
The Marijuana Affair 07/12/75 44
Love Thy Neighbour 08/26/73 Joe Reynolds 42
In the Beautiful Caribbean 02/03/72 Ralph 40
Freelance 01/01/70 McNair 38
Faith and Henry 12/06/69 John 38
Crossplot 11/25/69 President Maudula 38
The Bushbaby 09/01/69 38
Wind Versus Polygamy 07/15/68 Ogidi 37
A High Wind in Jamaica 05/01/65 Pirate 34
Fable 01/27/65 News Reader 33
You in Your Small Corner 06/05/62 Jim 31
The Day of the Fox 09/06/61 Beggar 30