IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
In Her Skin 03/13/09 Ivan 63
Not Quite Hollywood 08/28/08 Self 63
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 05/17/05 Ruwee Naberrie 59
The Love of Lionel's Life 07/09/00 Stan 55
Idiot Box 03/06/97 Detective Eric 51
Joh's Jury 02/16/93 Nicholas Cowdery 47
The Distant Home 06/06/92 Dr. Chambers 46
The Year My Voice Broke 10/15/87 Nils Olson 42
Those Dear Departed 08/13/87 Dr. Howie 42
Vietnam 02/23/87 Miles 41
Australian Dream 01/02/87 Geoffrey Stubbs 41
Melvin, Son of Alvin 12/20/84 Alvin Purple 39
Midnite Spares 02/17/83 Sidebottom 37
The Best of Friends 10/09/82 Tom 37
Doctors & Nurses 12/26/81 Mr X 36
Pacific Banana 02/04/81 Martin 35
The Odd Angry Shot 03/01/79 Dawson 33
Weekend of Shadows 06/28/78 Bernie 32
Don's Party 11/10/76 Simon 31
Mad Dog Morgan 07/09/76 Italian Jack 31
Alvin Rides Again 12/16/74 Alvin Purple / Balls McGee 29
Alvin Purple 12/20/73 Alvin Purple 28
Stork 12/27/71 Westy 26
Brake Fluid 01/01/71 25
The Naked Bunyip 02/02/70 Graeme 24