IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Bromates 10/07/22 Brian 53
Ponyboi 02/23/19 Bruce 49
The Black Ghiandola 04/22/17 Jonathan King 47
Kill Me, Deadly 02/13/15 Dewey 45
The Shoot 01/01/14 Mack 44
Social Nightmare 08/31/13 Mr. Perryman 44
Hold Your Breath 10/05/12 Van Hausen 43
Air Collision 03/27/12 Navy SEAL #2 42
The Perfect Sleep 03/13/09 The Doctor 39
An American Carol 10/03/08 Plantation Singer 39
Meat Loaf: To Hell and Back 01/05/00 Rocky Horror Star 30
Small Time 09/08/90 Peppy 21