IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Break 04/20/20 Vincent Qiang 68
Act of Grace 02/15/08 Kai 56
Liverpool Nativity 12/16/07 Magi 2 56
My Kingdom 09/10/01 50
Inside 'A View to a Kill' 01/01/00 Self 48
Entrapment 04/29/99 Chief of Police 47
Fast Food 10/09/98 Mr. Fortune-cookie 47
Hamlet 12/25/96 Sailor One 45
Rich Deceiver 09/02/95 Ricky Ramon 44
Wild Justice 05/13/94 Wong 42
Murder on the Moon 05/09/89 Chang 37
Ping Pong 07/17/87 Mike Wong 36
A View to a Kill 05/24/85 Chuck Lee 33
The Caucasian Chalk Circle 01/01/85 Young Working Man/Simon 33
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 05/23/84 Wu Han 32
The Chelsea Murders 12/30/81 Denny 30
The Mystery of the Disappearing Schoolgirls 12/28/80 Quintus 29
The Quatermass Conclusion 10/24/79 Frank Chen 28
Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks 09/22/79 Veldan 28
Dream Hacker None Wang Lei 73
Doctor Plague None 73