IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Insidious: The Last Key 01/03/18 Ted Garza 46
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 07/08/14 Carver 42
Collision Earth 03/24/11 James 39
Invincible 08/25/06 Tommy 34
5up 2down 06/11/06 Santo 34
The New World 12/25/05 Sentry 34
Paradise 01/01/04 Manny Marquez 32
The Making of 'Band of Brothers' 09/09/01 Self 29
The Visit 04/20/01 Prospective Parolee 29
Starwater 01/01/01 29
Bait 09/15/00 Ramundo 28
Dinner Rush 09/01/00 Duncan 28
In the Weeds 06/11/00 Kurt 28
Boiler Room 02/18/00 Broker 28
The Thin Red Line 12/23/98 Pvt. Alfredo Tella 27
Arresting Gena 01/27/97 Caller 25
Kirk and Kerry 01/01/97 Kirk 25