IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Grizzly II: Revenge 02/17/20 Pete 85
Blood of the Hunter 07/25/95 Fitzgerald 60
Pushing the Limits 03/16/94 Farjonnes 59
Génération oxygène 05/15/91 Robert Chamberlain 56
Try This One for Size 09/22/89 Lindsay 54
Châteauroux district 08/12/87 Harper 52
Les Loups Entre Eux 12/31/85 Docteur Straub 51
Grandison 03/28/78 Poet 43
Le Faux-cul 10/14/75 Stafford 41
Razbunarea 12/28/73 Weyden 39
Bluebeard 09/01/72 Sergio 37
Liberxina 90 01/01/70 Doc 35
Le Clan des Siciliens 12/05/69 Le commandant de bord 35
Funeral in Berlin 12/22/66 East German Guard (uncredited) 32
Galia 01/26/66 un amant de Galia 31
Pleins feux sur Stanislas 09/23/65 English spy 30
Le monocle rit jaune 09/16/64 Major Sidney 29
Maigret voit rouge 09/18/63 Bill Larner 28