IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Penny From Heaven 01/01/17 Homeless Man 68
Resurrection Man 02/13/98 Herbie Ferguson 49
Fighting Back 08/04/86 Bruce Curran 38
Wild Geese II 10/18/85 Hourigan 37
The Price 01/10/85 Frank Crossan 36
The Long Good Friday 11/01/80 Jeff 32
Breaking Glass 10/01/80 Andy 32
Yanks 09/01/79 Ken 31
The Danedyke Mystery 06/03/79 Tom Richards 31
Me! I'm Afraid of Virginia Woolf 12/02/78 Skinner 30
A Photograph 03/22/77 Chet 28
Gonks Go Beat 05/24/65 Singer (Derek and Elaine) 17