IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
JFK Assassination: The Oval Office to Dealey Plaza 10/31/23 Self 92
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass 11/12/21 Self 90
Murdered and Missing in Montana 11/12/21 Self - Forensic Pathologist 90
Cyril 07/24/21 Self 90
Soaked in Bleach 06/09/15 Self 84
Lady, You Shot Me: The Life and Death of Sam Cooke 05/05/14 Self - Forensic Pathologist 83
Dark Legacy 01/01/09 Self 77
I Am a Schizophrenic and So Am I 01/01/08 Dr. Cyril Wecht 76
JFK II: The Bush Connection 09/09/03 Self - MD, JD, President of Academy of Forensic Sciences 72
The Assassination of JFK 07/25/92 Self 61