IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough 02/01/08 Bob Calhoun / Torlakhl 63
Fanny Hill 03/24/00 Mr. Hart 55
Thatcher: The Final Days 09/11/91 John Major 46
Gandhi 12/01/82 Major 38
Doctor Who: Time-Flight 03/30/82 Flight Engineer Scobie 37
C2H5OH 10/28/80 Tony Secombe 35
Henry V 12/23/79 Lewis, the Dauphin 35
The O'Hooligan File 02/08/78 Julian Smith-Saville 33
The Obelisk 10/13/77 Stan 32
A Bridge Too Far 06/15/77 Lt. Cornish 32
Edward G: Like the Filmstar 06/11/73 Alan Hopkins 28