IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
The Naked Truth 09/29/92 Fed. #2 53
Touch and Die 01/01/91 Scanzano 51
Keeping Secrets 01/01/91 Alan Hamel 51
Always Remember I Love You 12/23/90 Philip Mendham 51
Night of the Fox 11/27/90 Hugh Kelso 51
Love and Betrayal 04/16/89 Bill Landry 49
Nightfall 04/15/88 Aton 48
The Long Journey Home 11/29/87 Carter Wells 48
Pretty Kill 03/27/87 Larry Turner 47
Power's Play 08/30/86 Lucas Cord 47
Night of 100 Stars II 03/10/85 Self 45
Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls 10/19/81 Lyon Burke 42
The Five of Me 05/12/81 Henry Hawksworth 42
I Think I'm Having A Baby 03/03/81 Mr. Fenning 41
Mom, the Wolfman and Me 10/20/80 Theo Marker 41
Oh, God! Book II 10/03/80 Don Richards 41
OHMS 01/02/80 Jack Coker 40
High Midnight 11/27/79 Tony Giannetti 40
Au revoir à lundi 08/21/79 Frank 40
Someone's Watching Me! 11/29/78 Paul Winkless 39
Daniel in the Lions' Den 11/22/78 Daniel 39
Serpico: The Deadly Game 04/24/76 Officer Frank Serpico 37
Trial by Combat 04/01/76 Sir John Gifford 36
Only with Married Men 12/04/74 Dave Andrews 35
The Haunting of Penthouse D 10/15/74 Perry 35
Caravan to Vaccarès 08/08/74 Bowman 35
Murder or Mercy 04/10/74 Dr. Peter Peterson 34