IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Drugstore June 02/23/24 Anthony’s Mother 37
Good Mourning 05/20/22 Waitress 35
Deported 03/01/20 Officer Candy 33
Spy Intervention 02/14/20 Brianna Brown 33
Airplane Mode 08/02/19 Brittany 32
The Dirt 03/22/19 Biker Chick 32
The Unicorn 02/01/19 Samantha 32
The American Meme 12/07/18 Self 32
The Big Break 07/31/18 Fable Rae 31
Random Tropical Paradise 06/09/17 Angela Gambazzo 30
Dreamland 04/14/16 Emily 29
We Are Your Friends 08/26/15 Sara 28
L.A. Paranormal None Suzie 38