IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Pocta Karlu Gottovi 12/31/22 Self 66
Nedělej Zagorku! 09/02/21 65
From the House of the Dead - La Monnaie / De Munt 07/03/18 Filka 61
Das Rheingold - San Francisco Opera 06/19/18 Loge 61
Z mrtvého domu 11/15/17 Filka Morosov 61
Berg: Wozzeck 04/24/17 Tambour-Major 60
From the House of the Dead 07/20/07 Filka Morosov, imprisoned under the name of Luka Kuzmich 50
Cesta ke štěstí 11/01/04 48
La guerre et la paix 01/01/00 Prince Anatole Kuragin 43