IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Broadway’s Leading Men: A Musical Celebration 11/29/24 44
25 Years of Rent: Measured in Love 03/02/21 41
The Theme From...: Songs Written for Film 12/14/20 40
Jule Styne and His Many Lyricists: Distant Melody 12/07/20 40
Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens 12/01/20 40
Rodgers, Rodgers & Guettel: Statues and Stories 11/23/20 40
Tom Jones & Harvey Schmidt: Simple Little Things 11/09/20 40
George Gershwin: Bidin' My Time 10/26/20 40
Allegiance 12/13/16 Sammy Kimura 36
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway 11/21/08 Steve / Man with Squeegee / Waiter / Ensemble 28