IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
A Sensitive, Passionate Man 06/06/77 John Chapin 47
Cat Murkil and the Silks 07/01/76 Detective Harder 46
Happy Anniversary and Goodbye 11/19/74 Doug 44
Prudence and the Chief 08/26/70 Maj. O'Toole 40
The Delta Factor 05/15/70 Dr. Fredericks 40
キングコングの逆襲 07/22/67 Commander Carl Nelson 37
A Fever in the Blood 01/28/61 Walter Thornwall 30
Yellowstone Kelly 11/11/59 Major Towns 29
The Big Fisherman 08/04/59 Andrew 29
Jungle Heat 07/22/57 Major Richard 'Dick' Grey 27
Voodoo Island 02/01/57 Matthew Gunn 26
Emergency Hospital 11/02/56 Juvenile Officer Ross 26
The Desperados Are in Town 11/01/56 Frank Banner 26
Crime Against Joe 03/21/56 George Niles 25