IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
His House in Order 02/24/28 Sir Daniel Ridgeley 68
Carry On! 12/02/27 Oliver Trevorn 68
The Game of Life 06/01/22 Abel Fletcher 62
Three Live Ghosts 01/01/22 Briggs 62
The Princess of New York 06/01/21 Eardley Smith 61
The Pride of the Fancy 12/01/20 Sir Rufus Douglas 61
Mrs. Thompson 12/01/19 Mears 60
Convict 99 03/01/19 Mr. Lucas 59
Tom Jones 12/10/17 Squire Allworthy 58
Little Women 07/02/17 The Professor 57
Sons of Satan 06/01/15 55
A Christmas Carol 10/11/14 Spirit of Christmas Present 54
Trilby 07/01/14 Mr. O'Ferrall 54