IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
The Blonde Vampire 04/01/22 The Chief 40
Putting One Over 06/22/19 Thomas Farrel 38
The Uphill Path 10/01/18 Howard Mason 37
Miss Innocence 07/21/18 Kale Loomis 37
Leap to Fame 04/24/18 City Editor 37
The Awakening 12/03/17 36
Her Hour 11/19/17 Val Clement 36
The Family Honor 04/09/17 Eric Mainwaring 36
Tillie Wakes Up 01/29/17 Henry Tinkelpaw 36
The Revolt 10/01/16 James Turner 35
The Decoy 06/29/16 Milt Bannon 35
The Bludgeon 10/18/15 Stoney Brooke 34