IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese 06/11/19 Self 71
The American Epic Sessions 03/16/16 Self 68
The Way of Folk 01/19/16 68
Roy Orbison: One of the Lonely Ones 12/29/15 67
Lost Songs: The Basement Tapes Continued 11/21/14 Self 66
Inside 'Inside Llewyn Davis' 03/11/14 Self 66
Elvis Costello: Mystery Dance 11/09/13 Self 65
It's About You 01/04/12 Self 63
The Union 04/20/11 Self 63
The Making of Elton John: Madman Across the Water 10/30/10 Self 62
Celebrating the Man in Black: The Making of Walk the Line 05/22/06 Self 58
The Soul of a Man 05/16/03 Self 55
This So-Called Disaster: Sam Shepard Directs "The Late Henry Moss" 01/01/03 Self 54
Bob 06/18/01 Bob 53
Down from the Mountain 06/05/01 Self 53
Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night 01/03/88 Self - Guitar 39
Heaven's Gate 11/19/80 Heaven's Gate Band 32
Renaldo and Clara 01/25/78 The Inner Voice 30
Grendel None The Shaper 76