IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Seasoned Greetings 09/23/33 Mr. Beetle 72
Seven Keys to Baldpate 12/25/29 Chief Kennedy 68
Her Man 09/08/18 57
Miss Innocence 07/21/18 James Boyle 57
The Marriage Trap 01/01/18 57
Seven Keys to Baldpate 10/16/17 Police Chief Kennedy 56
The Scarlet Oath 10/23/16 Victor Karenin 55
Big Jim Garrity 04/18/16 Mr. Craigen 55
Gold and the Woman 03/13/16 Dugald Chandos 55
The City of Illusion 01/01/16 55
Destruction 12/26/15 John Froment Jr. 54