IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
She Went Missing 04/09/22 Richard Martin Unknown
Alien Psychosis 02/24/18 Ryan O'Neil Unknown
Maternal Instinct 11/17/17 Luca Samporo Unknown
Betting on the Bride 10/23/17 Robert Unknown
Campus Caller 09/13/17 Conway Unknown
War for the Planet of the Apes 07/11/17 Tanker Guard Unknown
Deadly Attraction 12/31/16 Abusive Husband Unknown
Abducted Love 10/01/16 Kidnapping Thug Unknown
Rampage: President Down 08/26/16 FBI Agent James Molokai Unknown
Corrupt 01/01/15 Rocco Unknown
Mech: Human Trials 06/04/14 Luke Unknown
Battle in Seattle 09/07/07 Rioter (uncredited) Unknown
Poignant None Mathew Unknown