IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
D'Vinci Testa Rosa Now 04/23/22 72
The Private Death of Lizzy Siddal 05/08/20 Witch 70
Xreens 04/10/20 70
Epokalipsa 04/07/19 69
Raoul's Boys of Budapest 05/16/18 68
Raoul Wallenberg Tragic Hero or Agent 103? 04/28/18 68
Bloody Shadows 04/21/18 68
Bimbo Bambino 04/18/18 Babciu 68
Andy Warhol To Se Vrati 04/20/16 66
Carl Andersens Underground der Liebe 10/10/15 herself 65
PPPasolini 04/23/15 Demon 65
Gay Hell at Dante Café 01/31/07 Teller 57
Game Girl 09/19/06 Director 56
Och vi blir tyngdlösa 12/09/02 52
Baby Trouble Hole 09/29/96 Person 46
Angel 11/16/94 Lady Godiva 44
IDn4 11/13/91 Malga Kubiak 41
IDn3 10/21/90 40
IDn2 05/16/90 Woman 40