IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Janice Meredith 12/08/24 Thomas Jefferson 58
Success 02/25/23 Willis Potter 57
Yes or No 06/28/20 Dr. Malloy 54
The Sacred Flame 01/01/20 Dr. Paul Duncan 54
The Impostor 01/14/18 Charles Owen 52
Thais 12/30/17 51
The Unforseen 10/21/17 Richard Haynes 51
The Closed Road 04/24/16 Dr. Hugh Annersley 50
The Great Problem 04/17/16 50
The Purple Night 09/15/15 Warren Powers - the Inventor 49
The Coming Power 11/16/14 Frank Norman 48
One of Our Girls 06/10/14 Capt. John Gregory (unconfirmed) 48